On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 9:40 AM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>

> On 10/29/2015 05:38 PM, Dane Foster wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I think I've tripped over another mysq_fdw bug. I've filed a bug report
>> on github already but just in case the problem is w/ my query I figured
>> I would post it here in case someone sees something obvious.
>> The error message I get is: null value in column "location" violates
>> not-null constraint.
>> The DDL is here: https://github.com/EnterpriseDB/mysql_fdw/issues/71
>> For the record I know top posting is a crime against god and humanity
>> but I feel justified because this post is not directly related to the
>> original. So there!  Granted it's in the same milieu; and yes this
>> current sentence exists for the sole purpose of me being able to use the
>> word milieu because the opportunity to use it is so few and far between.
>> ​INSERT INTO series (cid, day, title, description, location, duration,
>> can_join)
>>    SELECT
>>      cid,
>>      row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY cid ORDER BY lower(duration)),
>>      title,
>>      description,
>>      location,
>>      duration,
>>      can_join
>>    FROM (
>>      SELECT
>>        cid,
>>        title,
>>        description,
>>        can_join::BOOLEAN,
>>        (SELECT label FROM _locations WHERE loc=location) AS location,
>>        ('[' || starts || ', ' || (starts + INTERVAL '4 HOUR') ||
>> ']')::TSZ_PERIOD AS duration
>>      FROM
>>        _series
>>    ) AS v​
>> ​Regards,​
> So what do you get when you do?:
>       cid,
>       title,
>       description,
>       can_join::BOOLEAN,
>       (SELECT label FROM _locations WHERE loc=location) AS location,
>       ('[' || starts || ', ' || (starts + INTERVAL '4 HOUR') ||
> ']')::TSTZRANGE AS duration
>     FROM
>       _series
>   );
>> Dane
> --
> Adrian Klaver
> adrian.kla...@aklaver.com
I get rows of data, location and all.


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