2015-11-12 23:21 GMT+01:00 Doiron, Daniel <doir...@advisory.com>:

> I’m troubleshooting a schema and found this:
> Indexes:
>     "pk_patient_diagnoses" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
>     "index_4341548" UNIQUE, btree (id)
>     "idx_patient_diagnoses_deleted" btree (deleted)
>     "idx_patient_diagnoses_diagnosis_type_id" btree (diagnosis_type_id)
>     "idx_patient_diagnoses_icd10" btree (icd10)
>     "idx_patient_diagnoses_icd9" btree (diagnosis_code)
>     "idx_patient_diagnoses_is_unknown" btree (is_unknown)
>     "idx_patient_diagnoses_modified" btree (modified)
>     "idx_patient_diagnoses_patient_id" btree (patient_id)
>     "idx_patient_diagnoses_uuid" btree (uuid)
>     "index_325532921" btree (modified)
>     "index_4345603" btree (deleted)
>     "index_4349516" btree (diagnosis_type_id)
>     "index_4353417" btree (icd10)
>     "index_4384754" btree (diagnosis_code)
>     "index_4418849" btree (is_unknown)
>     "index_4424101" btree (patient_id)
>     "index_4428458" btree (uuid)
> My questions is whether these “index_*” indexes could have been created by
> postgresql or whether I have an errant developer using some kinda
> third-party tool?

PostgreSQL doesn't create indexes on its own, except for primary keys,
unique constraints, and exclusion constraints.

So, that must be something (or someone) else.


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