On 17/11/2015 16:07, Killian Driscoll wrote:
>     >
>     > In terms of database structure and typing efficiency, it might be better
>     > to restructure the lookup tables and create a new lookup table for each
>     > of the three columns instead of one combined one?
>     [Please keep you replies on-list - thanks!]
> Sorry! Didn't mean that....
>     You'd better show us your table structures - we're only guessing
>     otherwise. However, I think typing efficiency isn't important, but
>     rather what your application needs to do with the data - you only type
>     the query once. :-)
> In terms of structure I'm going to go with separate lookup tables as
> they are and should be distinct really.
> I'm using pstgresql 9.3. I have set up the new lookup tables and now
> want to alter the fk constraints but keep the data already there (the
> new lookup tables with maintain the old pks). Below is one of the
> constraints:
> CONSTRAINT macro_lookupg_macroscopic FOREIGN KEY (grain_id)
>       REFERENCES irll.macro_lookup (macro_lookup_id) MATCH SIMPLE
> In 9.3 is there an alter constraint option or do I have to drop the
> constraint and add the new one?

I just had a quick look at the docs for 9.3:


I don't see ALTER CONSTRAINT in there, so it looks as if you need to
drop and re-create it.


Raymond O'Donnell :: Galway :: Ireland

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