On 12/2/15 12:03 AM, Kaare Rasmussen wrote:

The hard part is that some of the data items really have another type.
There are dates and floating points, as the most important ones. And the
really hard part is that sorting and range searches are important,
especially for these two types. Having dates is iso-format, and
left-padding floats with zeros is a low tech solution, and especially
the latter is not very efficient.

The solution might be to add functional indexes for these data items,
but it's cumbersome and not easily maintainable. If a one-stop solution
is in the works, or already there, it could save a lot of time.

We have a client that has a similar (though also a bit different) need. Specifically, they get an XML document that has element attributes that tell you what data type the element should contain. We convert the XML to JSON (easy thanks to plpython), which produces a bunch of nested JSON objects (typed as specifically as possible in JSON). The XML attributes get turned into items in an object. So

<some-element type="integer">42</some-element>

becomes something like

"some-element": { "@type": "integer", "#text": 42 }

Some transforms are applied to that (like replacing - with _), and the resulting JSON is used to create a set of tables, where each table contains one level of nesting (triggers to handle inserts are also created). Finally, views that break out each element value are created on top of these tables. If specific type info is available that's used to determine the type of the column, otherwise an appropriate type is chosen based on json_typeof(). This results in a view that looks something like

SELECT ((json_data-> 'some_element')->>'#text')::integer AS some_element

The reason we went with one table per level was to allow full indexing (without needing Vodka), because it made the code easier to develop (at least during initial conception), and because it supports joining between the views nicely (something we needed). You could probably do this without splitting into multiple tables, but I suspect it would add significant complexity to the view creation.

I'd like to eventually open source the guts of this, but unfortunately there's a lot of work required to get it to the point where that would be possible. There's also some choices that were made that in retrospect should probably be done differently. Of course if someone wanted to pay us to do that then we'll find the time ;). Short of that if someone is really serious about helping with that effort I can start untangling parts of this from the proprietary codebase that it's currently buried in, but even that would be a pretty significant effort.
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting, Austin TX
Experts in Analytics, Data Architecture and PostgreSQL
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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