
a table in our database with about 3 million rows ended up in a state
where its seems to have duplicated entries (duplicated primary key values):

# \d some_table;
                                   Table "public.some_table"
 Column |            Type             |                        Modifiers
 id     | integer                     | not null default
 field1 | character varying(40)       |
 field2 | character varying(128)      |
 ts     | timestamp without time zone |

    "some_table_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "ix_some_table_field1" btree (field1)
    "ix_some_table_field2" btree (field2)
    "ix_some_table_ts" btree (ts)

# select id, field1, field2 from some_table where field1 is null and field2
is not null;
   id    | field1 |            field2
 2141750 |        | some_value2
(1 row)

# select id, field1, field2 from some_table where id = 2141750;
   id   | field1       |    field2
2141750 | some_value1   | some_value2
(1 row)

Another way this manifests itself it that running this:

# update some_table
   set field2 = field1
   id = 2141750;

works perfectly fine (but doesn't change the result of the first two
queries above),
but this results in an error:

# update some_table
   set field2 = field1
   field1 is not null
   and field2 is null
   and ts between '2015-12-01' and '2015-12-02';

ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "some_table_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(2141750) already exists.

Do you have any idea what could be happening and what measures should be
undertaken to fix this issue? Thanks.

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