On 12/23/2015 2:19 AM, Killian Driscoll wrote:

    (or, click on an 'Command Prompt' shortcut).

        C:\Users\YourName>***path "c:\Program
        C:\Users\YourName>*pg_dump -Fc -p 5432 */<dbname>/*|
    pg_restore -p 5532*

Thanks. When I do this I get an error: could not find a "pg_dump" to execute - I've used the path *"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin";%path% *which appears to be correct

to test this, try (at that same command prompt)

   *dir **"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin"

that should list the postgres utilities and stuff, including psql.exe, pg_dump.exe, etc.

like, on a system here (which uses a non-default path), its ...

   C:\Users\xxxx>dir "d:\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin"
     Volume in drive D is Drive_Dee
     Volume Serial Number is ****

     Directory of d:\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin

   09/30/2014  12:28 AM    <DIR>          .
   09/30/2014  12:28 AM    <DIR>          ..
   07/21/2014  11:51 PM            69,120 clusterdb.exe
   07/21/2014  11:51 PM           384,000 pg_dump.exe
   07/21/2014  11:51 PM           180,736 pg_restore.exe
   07/21/2014  11:51 PM           408,576 psql.exe
   02/05/2014  01:33 AM            77,824 zlib1.dll
                  70 File(s)     56,177,637 bytes
                   3 Dir(s)  1,687,179,091,968 bytes free


(note I trimmed about 65 files)

john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz

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