On 12/23/2015 2:25 AM, Killian Driscoll wrote:
Sorry, forgot to add: once I get the warning that the Pg_dump can't be found there is then a password prompt; I tried the db password and the pc password but both fail:

pg_dump: [archiver (db)] connection to database "irll_project" failed: FATAL: p
assword authentication failed for user "killian"

note that databases don't have passwords, database USERS have passwords. 'killian' probably doesn't have a database user, and since you didn't specify a user, it defaulted to your system username (expecting that user to have been created in postgres, and wanting that probably non-existant postgres users passsword)

so, ok, try the command with -U postgres, as *

   *pg_dump -Fc -p 5432 **-U postgres **irll_project | pg_restore -U
   postgres -p 5532*

if/when it prompts for a password, thats the password of the 'postgres' database user, as configured in the postgres servers.

note it will prompt for the password a couple times, once for postgres on port 5432, and again for postgres on port 5532, at least if both database services are configured to require passwords for local connections.

john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz

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