On 12/31/2015 03:05 PM, gkhan wrote:

My initial question was about oddly-formatted date/times.  The suggested
solution of casting directly to timestamp with ::timestamp is not as
flexible as the to_timestamp function that I was trying to avoid.  For
example, this fails because of the day-before-month format:

SELECT ('18.09.2015 18:01:40')::timestamp
--ERROR: date/time field value out of range

It it where me I would deal with this in the original data, either pre-import or as part of the import process. Presumably for a given data set the date/time format is the same and therefore more easily converted. The goal would be to then have a 'standard' date/time output format landing in the database. Seems easier then going back after the fact and building a process for all eventualities.

whereas this works, but results in a timestamp *with* time zone that makes
assumptions about daylight savings times:
SELECT to_timestamp('18.09.2015 18:01:40','DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS')

I ended up with this simple solution, which does what I wanted to and avoids
time zones:
SELECT (to_date('18.09.2015','DD.MM.YYYY') ||' '||'18:01:40')::timestamp

Adrian: thanks for your observation about wildlife-human interactions --
that is a useful reminder since I'll be looking at traffic patterns.

Just part of a bigger observation that it is often assumed humans are not animals.

Adrian Klaver

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