On January 8, 2016 7:42:06 PM GMT+01:00, "Andrew Biggs (adb)" <a...@cisco.com> 
>On 1/8/16, 10:53 AM, Rob Sargent wrote:
>On 01/08/2016 10:39 AM, Andrew Biggs (adb) wrote:
>Can anyone tell me if PostgreSQL 9.5 supports (either natively or by
>extension) the BDR functionality?
>I tried it out and ran into issues, but it could well have been I was
>doing something wrong.
>I'm sure those who might be able to help you would be interested in
>what, exactly, it was you tried.
>Installed 9.5 to CentOS7 via yum, and tried going through the BDR
>quick-start guide (minus sections 2.1):
>        http://bdr-project.org/docs/stable/quickstart.html
>It was unhappy that BDR binaries were not on the path, and failed at
>section 2.4.
>Then went back and tried installing the BDR patch (section 2.1) which
>finished with this unhappy message:
>        configure: error: bdr is not compatible with postgres 9.5
>I was just curious if others have had success with this.

Bdr is only compatible with 9.4 and needs the specific bdr postgres.


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