>> We value the opinions of members who have contributed most more than
> we value the opinions of others.
>> A CoC is not the place to say some animals are more equal than others. A
> core commiter calling someone the n- or b- words is just as bad as me, a
> non commiter (if not worse!)
> Yes it is.  If a stranger comes and wants something changed, and Tom
> Lane says no. You should go with Tom Lane.  Period.

That has nothing to do with the Code of Conduct, though.  The community
accepting Tom saying "no" to Feature X is vastly different than the
community not calling Tom out for being mean.  The CoC is about the
later situation and not the prior; and the community should call Tom
out. (I'm sure you're a great person, Tom, sorry you're the example
being used here.)

> Now the whole n-or-b thing gets into obvious not helpful dialogue which
> is not helpful.  I'm sure anyone would agree that if Tom called me a
> nigger, it's not helpful to our communication, and you should therefore
> tell him to shut-up regardless who he is.

So then why call him more valued? It doesn't matter in this context. Why
even bring it up. On technical matters, someone closer to the issue is
often a better arbiter of the evidence, but in matters of interpersonal
interactions, no one should be held above another person.

>> While we do consider people's feelings, we weigh that against the
> effort of changing long understood terminology and the psychological trauma
> such changes would cause for the large majority of people who are not as
> sensitive to the usage.
>> What psychological trauma? From changing terms? Are you crazy? (See for
> that you'd like to the CoC to tell me why that wasn't an appropriate way
> to express my disbelief that someone would equate a change of term to
> psychological trauma.
> Think about if all your life when you've been talking about replication
> you've been using master/slave, and someone says from now on, It's
> leader/follower.
> So now in every conference you go to you need to catch yourself when you
> are saying Master/Slave – oops I meant to say Leader / Follower.
> To me that's psychological trauma.  It's the same psychological trauma I
> had to face being born a left-handed and being forced to write with my
> right-hand.

But it's still not trauma, where is the trauma? Something like
Master/Slave to Primary/Replica (which IMHO is a more descriptive term
anyway) would be a long-term, gradual change. In all honesty no one will
care when you slip up because they'll understand it's a change in
progress. I just don't see the trauma.


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