On 01/12/2016 01:37 AM, Shulgin, Oleksandr wrote:
On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 10:28 AM, Dev Kumkar <devdas.kum...@gmail.com
<mailto:devdas.kum...@gmail.com>> wrote:
 > Hello,
 > I want to upgrade my database from version 9.3.4 to 9.3.10.
 > For this task, do I need to upgrade database using pg_upgrade utility?
 > http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/pgupgrade.html
 > From the details it looks like for minor version upgrade pg_upgrade
utility is not required.
 > "pg_upgrade (formerly called pg_migrator) allows data stored in
PostgreSQL data files to be upgraded to a later PostgreSQL major version
without the data dump/reload typically required for major version
upgrades, e.g. from 8.4.7 to the current major release of PostgreSQL. It
is not required for minor version upgrades, e.g. from 9.0.1 to 9.0.4."
 > Can someone please provide more details here and also what steps
needs to be done to upgrade to 9.3.10 level?


You don't need pg_upgrade for minor version upgrades.  Please refer to
the documentation: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/upgrading.html

"Minor releases never change the internal storage format and are always
compatible with earlier and later minor releases of the same major
version number, e.g., 8.4.2 is compatible with 8.4, 8.4.1 and 8.4.6. To
update between compatible versions, you simply replace the executables
while the server is down and restart the server. The data directory
remains unchanged — minor upgrades are that simple."

While that is the rule, there have been exceptions, one I could find:


Per another post down thread, the prudent thing to do is to read the Release Notes for each release.


Adrian Klaver

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