Hello Adrian,

Thank you for your response. Sorry about the typos in the previous post.

I will try to explain myself more clearly.

This is my first function to create a dynamic query and it is as follows:

    source_sql text,
    category_sql text,
    v_matrix_col_type text,
    v_matrix_rows_name_and_type text,
    debug boolean DEFAULT false)
v_sql text;
curs1 refcursor;
v_val text;
v_sql = v_matrix_rows_name_and_type;
OPEN curs1 FOR execute category_sql;
FETCH curs1 INTO v_val;
exit when v_val IS NULL;
v_sql = v_sql ||' , "'||v_val||'" '||v_matrix_col_type;
IF debug THEN
RAISE NOTICE 'v_val = %',v_val;
CLOSE curs1;
v_sql := 'SELECT * from crosstab(' || chr(10) || E' \''||source_sql ||
E'\','||chr(10) || E' \''||category_sql || E'\'' || chr(10)|| ' ) AS (' ||
v_sql ||')';
IF debug THEN
RAISE NOTICE 'v_sql = %',v_sql;
RETURN v_sql;

This works fine. It accepts 2 sql queries and other parameters as inputs
and output is a sql query which looks like this:

SELECT * from crosstab( sql query 1, sql query 2) AS (....);

and this query works fine too.

I want to execute and return rows from this query. Hence I am using another
function to accomplish, which is :

    cur refcursor,
  RETURNS SETOF refcursor AS
val_1 text;
select * from dynamic_crosstab( 'select
p.location_id, p.employee_id, pt.description, sum(p.hours_allocated) as
preference_type pt, preference p, preference_date_etl pde, date_etl de
pt.id = p.preference_type_id and
pde.preference_id = p.id and
pde.corporation_id = $4 and
de.id = pde.date_etl_id and
pde.deleted = ''''N'''' and
p.deleted = ''''N'''' and
pt.deleted = ''''N'''' and
de.local_date between ''''$2'''' and ''''$3'''' and
p.employee_id IN (
select id from employee where user_id IN ( select id from app_user where
corporation_id =$4))
group by p.location_id, p.employee_id, pt.description ',
' select distinct description from preference_type where deleted =''''N''''
and corporation_id=' || $4,
'text','location_id int , employee_id int',false)  into val_1;
open cur for execute val_1;
return next cur;

Now the first input parameter for my select * from dynamic_crosstab(...) is
treated as a string input , but the second input parameter (' select
distinct description from preference_type.....) is treated as a seperate
sql query instead of string because of the ''''N''''. I need to use
deleted='''''N'''' the same way I have used in first input parameter.
Please advice how I can achieve this.

Error Message:

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "N"
LINE 1: ...description from preference_type where deleted =''N'' and co...
QUERY:   select distinct description from preference_type where deleted
=''N'' and corporation_id=43340
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function dynamic_crosstab(text,text,text,text,boolean)
line 8 at OPEN
SQL statement "select * from dynamic_crosstab(' select
p.location_id, p.employee_id, pt.description, sum(p.hours_allocated) as
preference_type pt, preference p, preference_date_etl pde, date_etl de
pt.id = p.preference_type_id and
pde.preference_id = p.id and
pde.corporation_id = $4 and
de.id = pde.date_etl_id and
pde.deleted = ''''N'''' and
p.deleted = ''''N'''' and
pt.deleted = ''''N'''' and
de.local_date between ''''$2'''' and ''''$3'''' and
p.employee_id IN (
select id from employee where user_id IN ( select id from app_user where
corporation_id =$4))
group by p.location_id, p.employee_id, pt.description ',
' select distinct description from preference_type where deleted =''''N''''
and corporation_id=' || $4,
'text','location_id int , employee_id int',false)"
PL/pgSQL function leavetypeaccrual(refcursor,text,text,text) line 5 at SQL


On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 9:44 AM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>

> On 01/11/2016 11:47 PM, Yash Gajbhiye wrote:
>> I am using postgres crosstab() function to create a table.
>> My first dynamic query function (dynamic_crosstab) creates a sql select
>> statement containing crosstab(), and then this select statement gives
>> the final result on execution. /*dynamic_crosstab functions works
>> perfectly*/
>> I need to execute this select query (result of dynamic_crosstab
>> function) by using parameters, so I am again using a function as follows.
>> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION leavetypeaccrual(
>>     cur refcursor,
>>      text,
>>      text,
>>      text)
>>    RETURNS SETOF refcursor AS
>> $BODY$
>> declare
>> val_1 text;
>> begin
>> select * from dynamic_crosstab($ select
>> p.location_id, p.employee_id, pt.description, sum(p.hours_allocated) as
>> hours_allocated
> I am having a hard figuring out what the above is supposed to be doing, in
> particular this?:
> $ select
> p.location_id, p.employee_id, pt.description, sum(p.hours_allocated) as
> hours_allocated ...
> Why the leading $?
> Would it be possible to cut and paste the errors in the future, I had to
> enlarge the images to get these old eyes to see the issue. At any rate from
> what I could see, it is a quoting issue, which I believe is related to the
> question above.
>> from
>> preference_type pt, preference p, preference_date_etl pde, date_etl de
>> where
>> pt.id <http://pt.id> = p.preference_type_id and
>> pde.preference_id = p.id <http://p.id> and
>> pde.corporation_id = $4 and
>> de.id <http://de.id> = pde.date_etl_id and
>> pde.deleted = ''N'' and
>> p.deleted = ''N'' and
>> pt.deleted = ''N'' and
>> de.local_date between ''$2'' and ''$3'' and
>> p.employee_id IN (
>> select id from employee where user_id IN ( select id from app_user where
>> corporation_id =||$4||))
>> group by p.location_id, p.employee_id, pt.description $,
>> $ select distinct description from preference_type where deleted =''N''
>> and corporation_id=$ || $4,
>> 'text','location_id int , employee_id int',false)  into val_1;
>> open cur for execute val_1;
>> return next cur;
>> end;
>> $BODY$
>> Now this function should execute the crosstab() function and it does
>> when I use deleted= 'N' in the second parameter but shows error because
>> crosstab() needs deleted=''N'' to execute.
>> Inline image 1
>> And I need to use deleted=''N'' to get my results but postgres treats my
>> second parameter as a individual query when I try to do it.
>> Inline image 2
>> The first parameter is passed perfectly with deleted =''N''  but
>> postgres does not recognize second parameter when deleted=''N''.
>> Please suggest what modifications I should do to make this work.
>> Thanks.
>> --
>> Yash Gajbhiye
> --
> Adrian Klaver
> adrian.kla...@aklaver.com


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