On Sunday 18 March 2001 07:50 pm, Doug McNaught wrote:
> > > Can anyone recommend any Iintegrated Development Environment or Rapid
> > > Application Development tools for hooking upto a PostgrSQL database?
> > >
> > > In particular, I am looking for something that develops for Linux,
> > > because that is what my server is, and I want the users to work thin
> > > client.
> [snippage]
> > Generally speaking, if you put a good programmer in front of a RAD or
> > IDE, he or she becomes less productive - just one more thing to
> > learn. Programmers type, they don't point and click =)
> Preach on brother!

This is a tangent question - I've been thinking alot about a development 
project to allow mere mortals easily set up web-based databases in pgsql, 
using a web-based tool. Does anyone know about projects that would basically 
provide the functionality of pg_access but in a web-based context? 

If not, it's next on my list of things to tackle.

Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
Norwottuck Technology Resources

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