Fellow PostgreSQLers,

I can’t help that there are a whole lot of white guys working on this document, 
with very little feedback from the people who it’s likely to benefit (only 
exception I spotted in a quick scan was Regina; sorry if I missed you). I 
suspect that most of you, like me, have never been the target of the kinds os 
behaviors we want to forbid. Certainly not to the level of many women, 
transgendered, and people of color I know of personally, in this community and 
others, who have. If those people are not speaking up here, I suspect it’s 
because they don’t expect to be heard. A bunch of white guys who run the 
project have decided what it’s gonna be, and mostly cut things out since these 
threads started.

But a *whole* lot of thought has gone into the creation of CoCs by the people 
who need them, and those who care about them. They have considered what sorts 
of things should be covered, what topics specifically addressed, and how to 
word them so as to enable the most people possible to feel safe, and to 
appropriately address issues when they inevitably arise, so that people 
continue to feel safe.

So I’d like to propose that we not try to do this ourselves. Instead, I propose 
that we take advantage of the ton of thought others have already put into this, 
and simply:

* Follow the example of many other successful communities (Swift, Mono, Rails, 
and 10,000 others) and adopt the open-source Contributor Covenant, unmodified.


* Put this document in the root directory of the project as CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md, 
so that anyone who wants to contribute can. It should also be listed on the 
main web site and referenced from appropriate places (such as the mail lists 

* Spell out a policy and procedure for enforcement and include it as a separate 
document, again in the Git rep and on the site. The reporting address should be 
included in the Covenant. The Covenant web site has links to a number of 
existing guides we ought to crib from.



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