A number of contributors have asked why we should have Coc. 

Whilst we have been lucky so far. Unfortunately people behave differently when 
writing emails. This is because over 50% of our interactions are through body 
language and we don't see each other face to face. We don't really know each 
other's background, experience and capacities.  

Freedom is not about saying anything we like anyway we like. For all our 
freedom is automatically limited by other people's freedom. That's life 
whatever species we care to look at. 

Simply look at the abuse some people are getting on Twitter/facebook. Even on 
this thread someone ,I have no doubt unintentionally and only because of 
current climate, automatically used religious connotations in replying to me. 
Even though I am not a Muslim, I am a Baha'i. 

As postgresql grows even more which I sincerely hope it does. We need direction 
so we can keep the best of traditions for 
whoever may come on board but at the same time have the flexibility to change 
with time.  

-----Original Message-----
From: pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org 
[mailto:pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of Geoff Winkless
Sent: 22 January 2016 09:56
To: David E. Wheeler
Cc: pgsql-general
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Let's Do the CoC Right

On 22 January 2016 at 05:25, David E. Wheeler <da...@justatheory.com> wrote:
> I can’t help that there are a whole lot of white guys working on this 
> document, with very little feedback from the people who it’s likely to 
> benefit (only exception I spotted in a quick scan was Regina; sorry if I 
> missed you). I suspect that most of you, like me, have never been the target 
> of the kinds os behaviors we want to forbid.

Others have addressed the reasons for not going with the Covenant; however I 
would like to make the point that, just because I'm a white straight male, it 
doesn't mean that there haven't been occasions when I have suffered from 
prejudice: I didn't talk the right way, my parents didn't have enough money, 
I'm too geeky, I wore the wrong clothes, I have a name that was a double-gift 
for mean kids (UK readers will remember Rainbow, I expect) etc etc etc.

Admittedly most of that has faded since childhood but there have been aspects 
of it even in places I have worked as an adult (thankfully not where I am now) 
and we don't even have recourse to the legal avenues that have been created for 
racial and sexual discrimination; it's probably one of the reasons that geeks 
find ourselves in these tech-based online communities so often - there's so 
little chance of being bullied by the cool kids.

I also have a feeling that that might have something to do with why there's 
quite such a pushback against the type of person who shouts loudly and 
motivates others to form a mob to get his or her own way (and therefore why the 
covenant is unlikely to gain traction here).

Finally, to open a new thread and effectively say "you know the work that you 
guys have put in over the last month, I'm sure it's fine, and I haven't 
bothered to read the whole thread, but why don't you do it Right instead?" is 
pretty insulting, don't you think?


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