Hi Melvin,

Thanks  a lot for your reply. I ran the query you suggested and here are
the results

Large table: "public";"data2011_01";784236885;0;0;"";"";"";"2016-01-19
Small table:  "public";"data2013_01w";300786444;0;0;"";"";"2016-02-01
08:57:24-06";"2016-02-01 04:01:04-06";60157336

I did the "analyze" on the small table once it was created and indexed. The
table was not subject to any "update/delete/insert" operations since it was
created this morning.

Also, yes, the indexes for both tables are created using exactly same
methods: btree. (they were created using the same piece of code through a
C++ api).

Best, Marco

On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 1:00 PM, Melvin Davidson <melvin6...@gmail.com>

> One thing to look at is the last time both tables were vacuumed/analyzed.
> SELECT n.nspname,
>        s.relname,
>        c.reltuples::bigint,
>        n_tup_ins,
>        n_tup_upd,
>        n_tup_del,
>        date_trunc('second', last_vacuum) as last_vacuum,
>        date_trunc('second', last_autovacuum) as last_autovacuum,
>        date_trunc('second', last_analyze) as last_analyze,
>        date_trunc('second', last_autoanalyze) as last_autoanalyze
>        ,
>        round( current_setting('autovacuum_vacuum_threshold')::integer +
> current_setting('autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor')::numeric * C.reltuples)
> AS av_threshold
>   FROM pg_stat_all_tables s
>   JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = s.relid
>   JOIN pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace)
>  WHERE s.relname NOT LIKE 'pg_%'
>    AND s.relname NOT LIKE 'sql_%'
>    AND s.relname IN  ' "your_small_table", "your_large_table"'
>  ORDER by 1, 2;
> Also, please confirm the indexes for both tables are using the same method
> (btree?).
> On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 1:35 PM, Yu Nie <niey...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Recently I am working with a large amount of taxis GIS data and had
>> encountered some weird performance issues.  I am hoping someone in this
>> community can help me figure it out.
>> The taxi data were loaded in 5 minute block into a table.  I have two
>> separate such tables, one stores a month of data with about 700 million
>> rows, another stores about 10 days of data with about 300 million rows.
>> The two tables have the exactly same schema and indexes. There are two
>> indexes: one on taxiid (text), and the other on the time stamp (date
>> time).  In order to process the data, I need to get all points for a single
>> taxis; to do that, I use something like:
>>  select * from table1 where taxiid = 'SZB00S41' order by time;
>> What puzzled me greatly is that this query runs consistently much faster
>> for the large table than for the small table, which seems to contradict
>> with intuition.   At the end of message you may find explain (analyze
>> buffer) results of two particular queries for the same taxiid (one for each
>> table). You can see that it took much longer (more than 20 times) to get
>> 20k rows from the small table than to get 44 k rows from the large table.
>> Interestingly it seems that the planner does expect about 1/3 work for the
>> small table query - yet for some reason, it took much longer to fetch the
>> rows from the small table.   Why there is such a huge performance between
>> the two seemingly identical queries executed on two different tables?
>> Is is because the data on the second table is on some mysteriously
>> "broken part" of the disk?  what else could explain such a bizarre
>> behavior?  Your help is greatly appreciated.
>> The above behavior is consistent through all queries.   Another issue I
>> identified is that for the large table, the query can use the shared buffer
>> more effectively.  For example, after you query one taxiid and immediately
>> following that query run the same query for another taxi whose id ranks
>> right behind the first id, then shared hit buffers would be quite high (and
>> the query would run much faster); this however never works for the small
>> table.
>> Thanks   a lot!
>> Best, Marco
>> Results for the small table: it took 141 seconds to finish.  The planning
>> time is 85256.31
>> "Sort  (cost=85201.05..85256.31 rows=22101 width=55) (actual
>> time=141419.499..141420.025 rows=20288 loops=1)"
>> "  Sort Key: "time""
>> "  Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 3622kB"
>> "  Buffers: shared hit=92 read=19816"
>> "  ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on data2013_01w  (cost=515.86..83606.27
>> rows=22101 width=55) (actual time=50.762..141374.777 rows=20288 loops=1)"
>> "        Recheck Cond: ((taxiid)::text = 'SZB00S41'::text)"
>> "        Heap Blocks: exact=19826"
>> "        Buffers: shared hit=92 read=19816"
>> "        ->  Bitmap Index Scan on data2013_01w_ixtaxiid
>> (cost=0.00..510.33 rows=22101 width=0) (actual time=26.053..26.053
>> rows=20288 loops=1)"
>> "              Index Cond: ((taxiid)::text = 'SZB00S41'::text)"
>> "              Buffers: shared hit=4 read=78"
>> "Planning time: 0.144 ms"
>> "Execution time: 141421.154 ms"
>> Results for the large table: it took 5 seconds to finish.  The planning
>> time is 252077.10
>> "Sort  (cost=251913.32..252077.10 rows=65512 width=55) (actual
>> time=5038.571..5039.765 rows=44204 loops=1)"
>> "  Sort Key: "time""
>> "  Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 7753kB"
>> "  Buffers: shared hit=2 read=7543"
>> "  ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on data2011_01  (cost=1520.29..246672.53
>> rows=65512 width=55) (actual time=36.935..5017.463 rows=44204 loops=1)"
>> "        Recheck Cond: ((taxiid)::text = 'SZB00S41'::text)"
>> "        Heap Blocks: exact=7372"
>> "        Buffers: shared hit=2 read=7543"
>> "        ->  Bitmap Index Scan on data2011_01_ixtaxiid
>> (cost=0.00..1503.92 rows=65512 width=0) (actual time=35.792..35.792
>> rows=44204 loops=1)"
>> "              Index Cond: ((taxiid)::text = 'SZB00S41'::text)"
>> "              Buffers: shared hit=2 read=171"
>> "Planning time: 0.127 ms"
>> "Execution time: 5042.134 ms"
> --
> *Melvin Davidson*
> I reserve the right to fantasize.  Whether or not you
> wish to share my fantasy is entirely up to you.

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