On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 12:37 PM, Doug Kyle <dk...@grpl.org> wrote:

> But when I use it as a function it always returns false:
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION grpl_collection.copy_in_collection_name(cpid
> bigint, colname text)
>  RETURNS boolean
>  LANGUAGE plpgsql
> AS $function$
>     RETURN cpid in (select copy from grpl_collection.collections_copy_map
> where copy=cpid and collection in
>         q AS
>         (
>         SELECT  c.id
>         FROM    grpl_collection.collections c
>         WHERE   name=$$colname$$
> ​      <<<------------​
>         UNION
>         SELECT  cn.id
>         FROM    q
>         JOIN    grpl_collection.collections cn
>         ON      cn.parent = q.id
>         )
> SELECT id FROM q ));
> END;
> $function$

​$$colname$$ is a string whose contents is the literal 'colname'​, not the
function argument named colname as you seem to want.

David J.

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