Hi John,

Database seem now completely transferred after "create extension lo" on my new 
database then restore all data from the backup file. (tested by my application 
to call/save all information data and picture with database) 

Thank you for your kindly help.


NETsolutions Asia Limited

>>> John R Pierce <pie...@hogranch.com> 2016-03-04 01:37 >>>
On 3/3/2016 3:53 AM, Premsun Choltanwanich wrote:
> I have no source code for this contrib/lo and dll/function seem 
> already be stored with my 8.0.13 installation package.

upon looking at the current docs again in the light of day, I see that 
there *IS* a contrib/lo module in all recent versions.

try, before doing the restore... as postgres with your empty database...

         psql mynewdatabase -c "create extension lo"

I would also consider doing the dump in two parts.   first pass use 
--schema-only   to just dump the defninitions, and restore these, this 
will create your database structures with no data.   you may need to 
edit the generated .sql file to remove these redundant/erroneous 
function definitions.    then once the schema is created cleanly, do 
the same dump but with --data-only and to a different file, this will 
dump just the actual database data, which you them 'restore' to the same 
database you've already created the schema in...

john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz

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