Transaction 1 operated on set of data (`WHERE` clause) on which 2nd
transaction do an `INSERT`, which fit to clause from 1st transaction.
Shouldn't 1st transaction fail if 2nd commit first?

I have following table (in PostgreSQL 9.5 db)

`CREATE TABLE (id serial PRIMARY KEY, mynum integer);`

and following data

     id | mynum
      1 |    10
      2 |    10
      3 |    10
      4 |    10
    (4 rows)

I run 2 serialize transactions in parallel (2 `psql` consoles):

    -- both transactions
    mydb=# begin;
    mydb=# set transaction isolation level serializable;

    -- tx1
    mydb=# select * from foo where mynum < 100;
    id | mynum
      1 |    10
      2 |    10
      3 |    10
      4 |    10
    (4 rows)
    --tx1: Shouldn't freeze data visible for tx1 select?

        mydb=# insert into foo (mynum) values (10);
        INSERT 0 1
        -- tx2 will insert next row with id 5 in foo table
        -- Shouldn't insert of tx2 broke data snapshot visible for tx1?

    mydb=# update foo set mynum = 20 where id < 100;
    UPDATE 4
    -- Shouldn't here appear serialization fail or at least on tx1 commit?

        mydb=# commit;

    mydb=# commit;
    -- tx1 Commit is OK - no any error

    -- implicit tx
    mydb=# select * from foo;
    id | mynum
      1 |    20
      2 |    20
      3 |    20
      4 |    20
      5 |    10
    (5 rows)

I am wondering why it behave so, taking in consideration PostgreSQL

> "To guarantee true serializability PostgreSQL uses predicate locking,
> which means that it keeps locks which allow it to determine when a
> write would have had an impact on the result of a previous read from a
> concurrent transaction, had it run first."

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