> ​I don't deal with Hot Standby's in my day-to-day but if you DROP SCHEMA
> all of the spaced consumed by indexes and tables in that schema will be
> freed.  The vacuum might make a small difference in performance on the
> system catalogs (pg_class, stats, etc)  that were updated but with respect
> to the dropped schema there won't be anything present there for vacuum to
> touch.
> Create and populate a dummy table in a test setup, measure the HD space
> taken in PGDATA, then drop it and measure again to see it in action.
> I've only done this using "TRUNCATE" - I've got a system with space
> constraints a the same kind of "file data" table and freed up around 20GB
> with a single fast truncate (though ensuring FKs wouldn't be a problem was
> fun...).
> David J.
Have made some tests just by doing:

1 - Creating a master server
2 - Creating a slave server
3 - Creating a table on public schema and creating a gorfs schema with
another table
4 - inserting some random data into gorfs.test (*insert into gorfs.test
(descr) values (unnest(array(select md5(random()::text) from
generate_series(1, 30000000))));*)
5 - The data has been replicated into the slave - *PASS*
6 - Dropping the schema on the master server - *PASS* (Had to use the
CASCADE option)
7 - The schema has gone on the slave server as well
8 - Checked the free space - *PASS* (*I had more free space after deleting
the schema*)

So it seems that only by doing a DROP SCHEMA will be enough :)

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