Mark Morgan Lloyd schrieb am 21.03.2016 um 14:44:
> I was discussing this sort of thing elsewhere in the context of MS's
> apparent challenge to Oracle and IBM, and the dominant feeling
> appeared to be that actual use of things like Oracle RAC was
> vanishingly uncommon. Which surprised me, and which I'm treating with
> caution since the fact that facilities aren't used (in a certain
> population of developers etc.) can in no way be interpreted as
> meaning that the technology is not unavailable or unreliable.

RAC is usually used for high-availability not for (horizontal) scaling. 

All nodes in a RAC cluster share the same I/O system. So I/O is still the 
bottleneck and you can't use a RAC to scale a system that is I/O bound. 

Back in the days when RAC was introduced multi-core, multi-CPU servers weren't 
that common (and and way fewer CPUs as high-servers today) and for systems like 
that, RAC _can_ indeed be used to scale the system. 

And the cache synchronization across the nodes can quickly become a *serious* 
bottleneck if the application isn't really designed for it. 
I have seen misbehaving applications that would cause Oracle to spent over 30% 
of its processing time only with sending blocks back and forth between the 

So - at least as far as I can tell - it's usually only used where 
high-availability is really important, e.g. where zero-downtime is required. 
If you can live with a short downtime, a hot standby is much cheaper and 
probably not that much slower. 

See e.g. here:
and here:


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