On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 9:55 AM, Melvin Davidson <melvin6...@gmail.com>

> Please, just ONE LOGICAL VALID argument, not speculation. Otherwise, stop
> with the nay saying.

I think you should look seriously at the suggestion offered of using an
event trigger to get what you desire here. I think the most logical
argument is that there is no need to do anything if a solution is available
on the table right now. Whether or not you agree with someone's fear of the
side effects of a larger solution - if you can use a tool that is already
available you should.

You are also more than happy to produce any patch that you would like to
offer up for inclusion. I completely appreciate that for any reason you may
not be able to offer up such a patch - but on the other hand - you cannot
demand that someone create the patch for you if they do not desire.


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