> On 27 Apr 2016, at 4:09, David Rowley <david.row...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> On 27 April 2016 at 11:27, Tim van der Linden <t...@shisaa.jp> wrote:

>> The query:
>> SELECT r.id, r.age, r.gender, r.created, a.adverse, d.drug
>> FROM reports r
>> JOIN report_drugs d ON d.rid = r.id
>> JOIN report_adverses a ON a.rid = r.id
>> WHERE a.adverse = ANY (ARRAY['back pain - nonspecific', 'nonspecific back 
>> pain', 'back pain'])
>> AND d.drug = ANY (ARRAY[359, 360, 361, 362, 363]) ORDER BY r.created;

> Likely the only way to speed this up would be to create indexes;
> create index on reports (id, age, gender, created);

Since you're not using age and gender in this (particular) query until the rows 
are combined into a result set already, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to 
add them to the index. Moreover, since your'e ordering by created, I'd at least 
put that directly after id:

        create index on reports (id, created);

> create index on report_adverses (rid, adverse);

In this case, you're using the values in adverse to filter relevant rid's for 
the FK join, so you might be better off with the inverse of above index:
        create index on report_adverses (adverse, rid);
        create index on report_drugs (drug, rid);

Do these tables have a primary key and can that be used here?

I hope I'm not being superfluous here, but don't forget to vacuum analyze after 
creating those indexes. Eventually autovacuum will do that for you, but you 
could otherwise be running tests to verify the impact of adding those indexes 
before autovacuum gets around to it.

Finally, perhaps it's more efficient to weed out all unrelated drugs and 
adverses before relating them to reports, something like:

SELECT r.id, r.age, r.gender, r.created, x.adverse, x.drug
FROM reports r
        SELECT d.rid, a.adverse, d.drug
        FROM report_drugs d
        JOIN report_adverses a ON a.rid = d.rid 
        WHERE a.adverse = ANY (ARRAY['back pain - nonspecific', 'nonspecific 
back pain', 'back pain']) 
        AND d.drug = ANY (ARRAY[359, 360, 361, 362, 363])
) x ON x.rid = r.id
ORDER BY r.created;

Looking at the cardinality of your tables that does seem a bit unlikely though. 
Still, worth a shot...

Alban Hertroys
If you can't see the forest for the trees,
cut the trees and you'll find there is no forest.

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