On 4/25/2016 12:40 AM, raghu vineel wrote:

Yes, they query the same table. But all queries are *select* only. Postgres is 8.3 and OS is *LINUX 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64. * Also I could see that pg_locks.granted is true for the queries I have submitted and lock mode is*AccessShareLock.*

select * from pg_stat_activity when its in that state, and look at ... oh wow, 8.3? thats WAY out of support and obsolete.

anyways, pg_stat_activity is an internal table, and its fields have changed a few times over the releases, I don't have anything that old to look at, but there should be a field 'state' or 'status' or something that shows if the query is waiting, locked, or running. pg_stat_activity has one row for each open connection.

john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz

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