It would be great if Postgres had a server setting that allowed the
automatic folding of identifiers to lowercase to be disabled, so that camel
case identifiers could be used without having to quote every single
identifier, i.e.

SELECT MyColumn FROM MyTable ORDER BY MyColumn

instead of

SELECT "MyColumn" FROM "MyTable" ORDER BY "MyColumn"

I understand that Postgres has a well-established naming convention and I'm
certainly not suggesting changing the default behaviour, but having this as
an option would remove a major pain point for users migrating from another
RDBMS, like MS SQL Server.

My company is looking into doing this. Currently our table and column names
exactly match our class and property names, which are in camel case. MSSQL
supports this just fine. To move to Postgres we would have to either quote
*everything* or translate names back-and-forth between code and database.
Both options are OK for auto-generated SQL, but we also have many users
writing ad-hoc SQL queries. Having to quote everything would have those
users screaming to switch back to MSSQL very quickly! That leaves us with
the mapping approach, which is doable, but also a constant "mental
speedbump" at best.

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