
We have a long week-end this days and so I tried to create an elephant using ASCII characters that could be used for mail signatures or wherever you prefer not to use a graphical interface. I tried to find something ready on the internet but was unable to spot anything useful and small enough for this purpose.

You can see the result below, enriched with this year's anniversary information. Now, since I am not really a gifted designer I was wondering if somebody has any ideas on how to improve the result.

If the community finds the draft ok and the idea meaningful, it could even be added to the list of available logos?

Enjoy and thanks for any feedback.

Swiss PostgreSQL Users Group
c/o Charles Clavadetscher
Motorenstrasse 18
CH - 8005 Zürich


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|      \/  //|  |\\      |
|          v |  | v      |
|            \__/        |
|                        |
|  PostgreSQL 1996-2016  |
|  20 Years of success   |

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