FATAL 1:  cannot open /usr/local/pgsql/data/PG_VERSION: Too many open files in s

postmaster: streamconnection: accept: too many open files in system

the last message is repeating for some minutes, then comes this:

postmaster: StreamConnection: accept: Too many open files in system
postmaster: StreamConnection: accept: Too many open files in system
postmaster: StreamConnection: accept: Too many open files in system
postmaster: StreamConnection: accept: Too many open files in system
postmaster: StreamConnection: accept: Too many open files in system
postmaster: StreamConnection: accept: Too many open files in system
FATAL 2:  InitOpen(logfile 0 seg 7) failed: Too many open files in system
Server process (pid 1560) exited with status 512 at Sun Mar 25 17:15:19 2001
Terminating any active server processes...
NOTICE:  Message from PostgreSQL backend:
        The Postmaster has informed me that some other backend  died abnormally
and possibly corrupted shared memory.
        I have rolled back the current transaction and am       going to termina
te your database system connection and exit.
        Please reconnect to the database system and repeat your query.
NOTICE:  Message from PostgreSQL backend:
        The Postmaster has informed me that some other backend  died abnormally
and possibly corrupted shared memory.
        I have rolled back the current transaction and am       going to termina
te your database system connection and exit.
        Please reconnect to the database system and repeat your query.
NOTICE:  Message from PostgreSQL backend:
        The Postmaster has informed me that some other backend  died abnormally
and possibly corrupted shared memory.

NOTICE:  Message from PostgreSQL backend:
        The Postmaster has informed me that some other backend  died abnormally
and possibly corrupted shared memory.
        I have rolled back the current transaction and am       going to termina
te your database system connection and exit.
        Please reconnect to the database system and repeat your query.
The Data Base System is in recovery mode
Server processes were terminated at Sun Mar 25 17:15:34 2001
Reinitializing shared memory and semaphores
The Data Base System is starting up
DEBUG:  database system was interrupted at 2001-03-25 16:25:17 GMT
DEBUG:  CheckPoint record at (0, 118622268)
DEBUG:  Redo record at (0, 118622268); Undo record at (0, 0); Shutdown FALSE
DEBUG:  NextTransactionId: 683666; NextOid: 195643
DEBUG:  database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progre
DEBUG:  redo starts at (0, 118622332)

The Data Base System is starting up
The Data Base System is starting up

DEBUG:  ReadRecord: record with zero len at (0, 125019120)
DEBUG:  redo done at (0, 125019084)
The Data Base System is starting up
The Data Base System is starting up

Now its working again.. very interesting to see what happens and that
the database is still working and doing its job after a little problem
of the operating system.

My testing environment:

Machine: p2-233, 128 MB, pg71 from cvs

OS: FreeBSD 4.2 from cvs

This message appeared while a traffic of 160.000 hits to my server
with approx 15 connections to postgres and a lot of complex queries,
always at the same time (i like regression testings heheeh).

bastion# ipcs -mb
Shared Memory:
T     ID     KEY        MODE       OWNER    GROUP  SEGSZ
m 131072    5432001 --rw-------    pgsql    pgsql 1236992

this shared segments are from my application:

m  65537 -1862112840 --rw-rw-rw-   nobody   nobody 1000000
m  65539 2137653008 --rw-rw-rw-   nobody   nobody 1000000
m  65541 1238250651 --rw-rw-rw-   nobody   nobody 1000000
m  65542 1266349731 --rw-rw-rw-   nobody   nobody 1000000
m  65543  360309096 --rw-rw-rw-   nobody   nobody 1000000
m  65544 1444703832 --rw-rw-rw-   nobody   nobody 5242880

Boris [MCSE, CNA]
 X-ITEC : Consulting * Programming * Net-Security * Crypto-Research
........: [PRIVATE ADDRESS:] 
        : Boris Köster eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.x-itec.de 
        : Grüne 33-57368 Lennestadt Germany Tel: +49 (0)2721 989400

Everything I am writing is (c) by Boris Köster and may not be 
rewritten or distributed in any way without my permission.              

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


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