Le 04/05/2016 17:55, Alban Hertroys a écrit :
On 4 May 2016 at 17:08, John McKown <john.archie.mck...@gmail.com> wrote:
I had a manager, long ago, who used a Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet to
contain all his memos. I was glassy eyed in disbelief. He also would use his
hand calculator to add up the numbers in the spreadsheet to be sure that the
summation function in the spreadsheet didn't make a mistake. <shudder/>

That still happens - we have a few live examples around in this
company. Unfortunately they're not caged and there's no sign "Do not
feed the managers". Admittedly, they're using Excel instead of
Lotus-1-2-3, but that's the only difference.


Another step (forward obviously) for these fellows is to use MSAccess. Much better, yes. But, still...

On this matter, I hear *very* often from such guys that the only reproach they have to PostgreSQL is that it does not come with a slick GUI like Access. PGAdmin does not suit their needs at all: they want to design their forms, directly write into the tables by using quick'n easy/dirty copy/paste from/to their Excel (yes, it is still lying around). I understand them, somehow. There are a few tools around, many proprietary ones, some Free/Libre ones, but they are still looking for a sort of Holy Grail that would definitely convince them. A standard client tool that would come with any PostgreSQL installation would please them. Some sort of psqlGUI, I guess.

Something to think about... Maybe it would more suitable into "advocacy" than here in "general", though.

Pierre Chevalier
PChGEI: Pierre Chevalier Géologue Et Informaticien
Partenaire DALIBO
    Mesté Duran
    32100 Condom
  Tél+fax  :    09 75 27 45 62
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