
In relation to this thread:

> I ran the pg_dump process again this morning, ensuring that the standby
> parameters were set, and it completed successfully with the
> hot_standby_feedback enabled.

In case I were to set the hot_standby_feedback param to "on" at my
slave node for the _only_ reason that I would like to make a dump of a
database while replication is running, how would it affect the primary
node performance-wise?

Worth mentioning: I do not require the dumped data to be highly
up-to-date, I just need a static snapshot, knowing perfectly well that
data is updated continuously while dumping.

Are there perhaps other ways to perform a dump of a hot standby node
without affecting the primary node performance and without stopping or
pausing the replication?
Version: postgres (PostgreSQL) 9.2.2

Thank you in advance,


Johan Thomsen

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