I've got some additional info about the problem.

After several times trying to connect to the remote database, I tried to 
connect to the local database with dblink. I edit the .pgpass file like this:*:postgres:password*:myusername:mypassword

Then I tried to connect from local sql server:

postgres=# select dblink_connect_u('con1','hostaddr= port=5432 
dbname=postgres user=postgres');

I get the same error like before. But when I edit the .pgpass and change to 'localhost', it works even if I try it with the exactly same 
connection string in dblink(hostaddr= I don't know what is going on 
in the background, maybe some IP address<->hostname problem?


-----eredeti Üzenet-----
Feladó:Kiss Attila <kiss.att...@dardanis.hu>
Elküldött:Hétfő 2016.06.27 09:42
Tárgy:[GENERAL] dblink authentication failed

I have some problem with using dblink_connect_u() in my function. 
When I provide the password in the connection string, there is no problem, but 
when I don’t, it says:
ERROR:  could not establish connection

DETAIL:  fe_sendauth: no password supplied

However the .pgpass file in the path /var/lib/postgres/.pgpass does contain the 
proper password.
I have tried to connect to the remote server with psql from bash with the 
following command:
# psql –h –U myuser –w remote_db_name

it works fine.

My .pgpass file does have the line:*:myuser:mypassword

It seems the psql finds the proper password in the .pgpass file but dblink 

The local and the remote server are running on Ubuntu server 14.04, both of 
them are PostgreSQL 9.4.

The .pgpass file properties look this:

# ls –la ./.pgpass
-rw------- 1 postgres postgres 193 jún   24 13:54 ./.pgpass

Any ideas are welcome.



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