On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 03:58:39PM +0200, Christian Marschalek wrote:
> > Pg DOES support it!
> Oh... My fault :o)
> > However, it doesn't really have anything
> > to do with data redundancy.  Data redundancy means storing 
> > the same DATA in more than one table meaning that if it 
> > changes in one table, you have to update all of the other 
> > tables.  That's not the same as inheritance which means you 
> > can use a common base_table with additions to child tables as 
> > necessary.
> Well we've learned that when you have lets say five tables which all
> contain name, adresse, city and so on you also have a form of
> redundancy... Can be wrong, though ;o)

there's also this construct -- i don't know the name --
exemplified below by using the table ADDR (very u.s.centric, i
know) as a DATATYPE in table PERSON:

        create table addr(
                street varchar(30),
                city varchar(30),
                state char(2),
                zip char(5)
        create table person(
                loc addr,  --  how about them apples?
                phone char(10),
                name varchar(30)
        \d person
                           Table "person"
         Attribute |    Type     | Modifier 
         loc       | addr        | 
         phone     | char(10)    | 
         name      | varchar(30) | 

the trick, is, how do you insert data into person.addr?

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