I am seeing something kinda weird when I am creating tables (or viewing
existing ones):

bash$ createdb test
bash$ psql test
Welcome to psql, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
       \h for help with SQL commands
       \? for help on internal slash commands
       \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
       \q to quit

test=# \dt
No relations found.
test=# CREATE TABLE mytable (
test(#   id     INT,
test(#   stuff  VARCHAR(10)
test(# );
test=# \dt
     List of relations
  Name   | Type  |  Owner   
 mytable | table | gmguest
 mytable | table | postgres
(2 rows)


As you can see when I create a table it appears it is either creating it
twice (not likely) or thinks that there are two instances of it. The
gmguest user is a guest user for another database however any database I
look at has another table for each table with this gmguest user as the
owner. I found this after seeing duplicate table names while trying to access a 
database via odbc and MSAccess.

Anyone seen this before? I imagine somewhere I screwed up a system table
or something (don't remember doing it). I may just recompile and dump
and resoter the tables from scratch but I'd like to avoid it if


 Patrick Aland                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Network Administrator                  Voice: 904.822.7217
 Stetson University                     Fax: 904.822.7367

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
    (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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