On 07/26/2016 01:16 AM, David Harrison wrote:
> Hi Josh,
> Attached is the function and below the query that calls it, below that the 
> result of SELECT version();
> SELECT tl_guest_list('13313880', '174880', null, '151094636600', null, null);
> "PostgreSQL 8.4.9 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 
> 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3), 64-bit”
> We have a job queue manager (beanstalkd) that we push jobs onto for it to 
> process, previously there was only one worker so tl_guest_list would only get 
> called once at a time, after execution it would return the results and the 
> next job would run firing tl_guest_list again. 
> I’ve now upped the number of workers to 10 so it could be that 10 jobs pushed 
> into the queue are all processed concurrently. Firing tl_guest_list up to 10 
> times at the same time. I expect that the update on ste_seatspersessions is 
> locking the table and I expect the function to wait at the select on 
> ste_seatspersessions. However the function is processing the select query and 
> returning null. Seems like an issue with table locking or ignoring table 
> locking.

This is interesting:

  select seatid
  into seat
  from ste_seatspersessions sps join
        ste_seats s using (seatid) join
    ste_usergroupsaccessseatsets uss using (seat_setid)
  where sps.sessionid = ses and
        sps.rankid = rank and
  order by s.row_number, s.seat_number_in_row
  limit 1
  for update of sps;

You appear to be trying to implement your own "SKIP LOCKED" (which you
should maybe use instead).

I'm not sure this works as-is; SELECT FOR UPDATE with LIMIT/ORDER is
always fairly tricky, and tends to block the whole set, not just the
LIMITed row.

What I suggest is that you walk this through several concurrent sessions
yourself.  Use explicit transactions so that each concurrent session
will hold onto its locks.

Josh Berkus
Red Hat OSAS
(any opinions are my own)

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