On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 6:01 PM, Francisco Olarte <fola...@peoplecall.com>

> Hi Victor:
> On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 7:06 AM, Victor Blomqvist <v...@viblo.se> wrote:
> > Is it possible to break/limit a query so that it returns whatever results
> > found after having checked X amount of rows in a index scan?
> >
> > For example:
> > create table a(id int primary key);
> > insert into a select * from generate_series(1,100000);
> >
> > select * from a
> > where id%2 = 0
> > order by id limit 10
> >
> > In this case the query will "visit" 20 rows and filter out 10 of them. We
> > can see that in the query plan:
> > "Rows Removed by Filter: 10"
> > "Heap Fetches: 20"
> >
> > Is it somehow possible to limit this query so that it only fetches X
> amount,
> > in my example if we limited it to 10 Heap Fetches the query could return
> the
> > first 5 rows?
> >
> >
> > My use case is I have a table with 35 million rows with a geo index, and
> I
> > want to do a KNN search but also limit the query on some other
> parameters.
> > In some cases the other parameters restrict the query so much that Heap
> > Fetches becomes several 100k or more, and in those cases I would like to
> > have a limit to my query.
> Well, if you accept more abstract limits (i.e. you do not depend on
> heap fetches, you just want up to 5 even IDs from the first 10 IDs )
> you could try:
> with base as (select * from a order by id limit 10)
> select * from base where id %2 = 0 order by id limit 5;
> ( Or do it with a subquery instead of a CTE ).
> In general
> select * from table where common_condition and filter_condition order
> by xx limit N
> becomes
> with base as (select * from table where common_condition order by xx
> limit base_fecthes)
> select * from base where filter_condition order by XX limit N;
> In the example common_condition is non existent, put it as true,
> optimize after transforming.
> Francisco Olarte.

Sorry if that wasnt clear in my first email. This whole problem is part of
a 100 lines
long function so I tried to simplify it as much as possible for my
question, but maybe I
went a bit too far. I will try again:

The problem with this approach is that I "waste" the number of rows in
those cases
when it doesnt need to "loop" 10 times to fetch my result. Let me show a
more complicated example:

create table b(id serial primary key, age_preference int);
insert into a (age_preference)
  select (random()*100)::integer from generate_series(1,1000000);

select * from b
where age_preference%10 = x?
order by id limit 10

So here I have a table with id and age_preference, where age_preference is
preferred age of users in my database. The distribution of age preferences
is not
uniform in real life (only in my mock data here). Its also changing, so I
cant know
beforehand, only do some very rough estimations.

What I do know is that for most values of x its enough to visit the 1k
first rows.
However, sometimes I need more rows, maybe 100k rows. And for some special
(such as 11 in my stupid example), its not enough even with 1m fetches.

What I want to avoid is my query visiting the whole 1m rows to get a
because in my real table that can take 100sec. At the same time I want the
queries that only need to visit 1k rows finish quickly, and the queries
visit 100k rows at least get some result back.

Thank you for your patience so far!

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