On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 5:50 PM, Francisco Olarte
<fola...@peoplecall.com> wrote:
> Hi Arnaud:
> On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 4:35 PM, arnaud gaboury
> <arnaud.gabo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Are this all the contents of you pg_hba.conf? Note order matters, all
>>> non comment ( or at least the host ones ) need to be checked .
>> Here is the whole content:
>>      79 local   thetradinghall      mailman                     peer
>>     map=mailmap
>>      80 local   all                 postgres                    trust
>>      84 host     mattermost         mmuser    md5
> .. This looks good once you've added the netmask, ehich slipped to me.
>>> Also, did you signal the postmaster to reread after adding the line?
>> What do you mean?
> When you change the file you need to signal the postgres main process
> ( postmaster ) to reread it by sending it a HUP signal, or using
> pg_ctl reload ( your OS/distro may have other methods ).

In fact, I use systemctl to stop/start/reload postgres service. And
yes I did a reload.

> Francisco Olarte.



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