On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 12:10 PM, dandl <da...@andl.org> wrote:
> Sqlite has options to handle an update that causes a duplicate key. Is 
> there anything similar in Postgres?
> This is not an UPSERT. The scenario is an UPDATE that changes some key 
> field so that there is now a duplicate key. In Sqlite this handled as:
> UPDATE OR IGNORE table SET <etc>
> And so on
> See https://www.sqlite.org/lang_update.html.
> Can Postgres do this?

I would propose that this effectively violates referential integrity and 
shouldn't be a valid design pattern.

In my mind primary keys are supposed to be static, stable, non-volatile...aka 
predictable.  It feels like an alien invading my schema, to contemplate such an 
activity.  I hope PG never supports that.

Postgres allows developers incredible freedom to do really crazy things.  That 
doesn't mean that they should.

Mike Sofen (USA)

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