On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 6:53 PM, Patrick B <patrickbake...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I got this query:
>> SELECT id,jobid,description,serialised_data
>> FROM logtable
>> WHERE log_type = 45
>> AND clientid = 24011
>> ORDER BY gtime desc

What is really going to help you here is multicolumn index on (clientid,
log_type), or (log_type, clientid).

It will not cost you much, because you can get rid of whichever
single-column index is on the column you list first in your multi-column

> Explain analyze: https://explain.depesz.com/s/XKtU
> So it seems the very slow part is into:
>               ->  Bitmap Index Scan on "ix_client"  (cost=0.00..5517.96
>> rows=367593 width=0) (actual time=2668.246..2668.246 rows=356327 loops=1)
>>                     Index Cond: ("clientid" = 24011)
> Am I right? The query is already using an index on that table... how could
> I improve the performance in a query that is already using an index?

Right, that is the slow step.  Probably the index is not already in memory
and had to be read from disk, slowly.  You could turn track_io_timing on
and then run explain (analyze, buffers) to see if that is the case.  But
once you build a multi-column index, it shouldn't really matter anymore.



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