Adrian Klaver schrieb am 29.09.2016 um 22:55:
After running a "vacuum full" on the table in question the upgrade goes

Assuming you did that on old cluster?

Yes, correct. I did that on the 9.5 cluster

Where both clusters installed the same way?


I always download the ZIP Archive from then run 
initdb manually.

Both were initialized using:

   initdb -D "..."  --lc-messages=English -U postgres --pwfile=pwfile.txt -E 
UTF8 -A md5

What was the complete command line invocation of pg_upgrade?

That was in a batch file:

set LC_MESSAGES=English

set oldbin=c:\Programme\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin
set newbin=c:\Programme\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin
"%newbin%\pg_upgrade" ^
  --username=postgres ^
  --old-bindir="%oldbin%" ^
  --new-bindir="%newbin%" ^
  --old-datadir=d:/Daten/db/pgdata95 ^
  --new-datadir=d:/Daten/db/pgdata96 ^
  --retain ^
  --verbose ^
  --old-port=5432 ^

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