Hi Ankit,

Can you please share the generated config.log ?

Following works for me i.e.

> export
> PATH=/work/postgresql/inst/bin:/opt/proj-4.7.0/inst/bin:/opt/gdal-1.9.1/inst/bin:/opt/geos-3.3.5/inst/bin:$PATH
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/work/postgresql/inst/lib:/opt/proj-4.7.0/inst/lib:/opt/gdal-1.9.1/inst/lib:/opt/geos-3.3.5/inst/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

./configure --prefix=$PWD/inst --with-projdir=/opt/proj-4.7.0/inst &>
> configure.log
> make &> make.log

Muhammad Asif Naeem

On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 11:15 AM, Ankit Sablok <ankit...@buffalo.edu> wrote:

> I am trying to install PostGIS on a RHEL_5 system and failing at it
> miserably. The way I am trying to install it is as follows. I copy over all
> the artifacts of postgresql server as in the bin, lib, share directories of
> postgresql server in a directory called pgql and I place it in the root
> directory i.e /pgsql is the directory which contains things like pg_config
> and all the other libs and bins that one gets by installing postgresql
> using the standard installation. All the dependencies of PostGIS get
> installed successfully using the standard build process of *./configure
> --prefix=/pgsql, make and make install* but when I issue the following
> command for building PostGIS using the same process :
> ./configure --with-gdalconfig=/pgsql/bin/gdal-config
> --with-geosconfig=/pgsql/bin/geos-config --with-projdir=/pgsql
> --with-jsondir=/pgsql --with-pgconfig=/pgsql/bin/pg_config
> I get the following error in the configure step :
> checking PostgreSQL version... PostgreSQL 9.6
> checking libpq-fe.h usability... no
> checking libpq-fe.h presence... no
> checking for libpq-fe.h... no
> configure: error: could not find libpq-fe.h"
> to remedy this error I tried placing the include files in the include
> directory of postgresql by find the appropriate path using
> /pgsql/bin/pg_config --includedir
> and then when I try to install PostGIS, it still fails. Can anyone suggest
> some workaround to build PostGIS using this non-standard approach of
> building PostGIS?
> Edit: When I try to add all the include files which includes the
> libpq-fe.h and libpq headers as well along with other header I get the
> following error when configuring PostGIS
> checking for PQserverVersion in -lpq... no
> configure: error: could not find libpq

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