On 07/11/2016 13:44, Vick Khera wrote:
On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 8:23 AM, Howard News <howardn...@selestial.com> wrote:
pg_restore: executing SEQUENCE SET example_seq
pg_restore: processing data for table example_table
pg_restore: [compress_io]

** crash **
What crashes? the pg_restore process or the backend server?

The pg_restore crashes.

For example if I run the "pg_restore -f example.sql backup" then it will fall over when it tries to restore one of the corrupted tables. Presumably the backup itself is corrupted.

The "pg_restore --list" works fine, so I can run a selective restore by commenting out the dodgy tables using the "pg_restore -L" option.

Regarding the postgres ids, these appear to be listed in the pg_restore -L so I can find out which data file the tables refer to, but I have not found out how to restore a single one of these files to a usable or readable state yet.

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