> Bonus question: I found an ER diagram of some of the pg_* tables at h
> ttp://www.slideshare.net/oddbjorn/Get-to-know-PostgreSQL. Is there an
> ERD of all of them so a person can better understand how to use them
> when one must? I suppose the same question applies to
> information_schema since I probably should be using that over the
> pg_* tables when possible (and as the above example shows, sometimes
> you have to go look at the pg_* tables).
> Thanks!
> Kevin


ExecuteQuery has an ER diagram tool. You can download the jar file from
www.executequery.org and obtain the JDBC driver from the Postgres site.
You set up separate connections to all databases that you wish to
It generates the ER diagram but prior to printing it you need to drag
and drop the "boxes" around to make it readable. I have not tried it
(yet) over information_schema.


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