
I need some help on an installation issue with PostgreSQL
I have written a wix bootstrapper to install postgresql for our 
This has worked for different version, but now we get sometimes trouble 
with the installer as some sql scripts can't be executed during install.
>From the logs I see an error 2 retunred from psql.exe

This error is found in the bitrock_installer.log from your original 
[14:58:49] Installing the adminpack module in the postgres database...
Executing C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin\psql.exe -c "CREATE 
EXTENSION adminpack" -d postgres
Script exit code: 2

and as well in our log where we try to launch some more sql scripts to 
create a user, the database and the tables.
2016.08.02 14:59:07, Info    , LaunchProcess(), Launch 'C:\Program 
Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin\psql.exe' with ' -U postgres --file "C:\Program 
2016.08.02 14:59:09, Info    , LaunchProcess(), Standard output: ''
2016.08.02 14:59:09, Info    , LaunchProcess(), Standard error: 'psql: 
could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)
        Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting
        TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)
        Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and 
        TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
2016.08.02 14:59:09, Info    , LaunchProcess(), 'C:\Program 
Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin\psql.exe' returned: '2'.
2016.08.02 14:59:09, Error   , InstallContestDB(), Contestdb not restored 
-> create Contestdb and tables
2016.08.02 14:59:09, Info    , LaunchProcess(), Launch 'C:\Program 
Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin\psql.exe' with ' -U postgres --file "C:\Program 
2016.08.02 14:59:11, Info    , LaunchProcess(), Standard output: ''
2016.08.02 14:59:11, Info    , LaunchProcess(), Standard error: 'psql: 
could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)
        Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting
        TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)
        Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and 
        TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
2016.08.02 14:59:11, Info    , LaunchProcess(), 'C:\Program 
Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin\psql.exe' returned: '2'.
2016.08.02 14:59:11, Info    , LaunchProcess(), Launch 'C:\Program 
Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin\psql.exe' with ' -U postgres --dbname Contestdb 
--file "C:\Program 
2016.08.02 14:59:13, Info    , LaunchProcess(), Standard output: ''
2016.08.02 14:59:13, Info    , LaunchProcess(), Standard error: 'psql: 
could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)
        Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting
        TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)
        Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and 
        TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
2016.08.02 14:59:13, Info    , LaunchProcess(), 'C:\Program 
Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin\psql.exe' returned: '2'.

So far I wasn't able to reproduce this error by my self, but I know from 
about 5 issues inside the last month.
As I'm not able to reproduce I would appreciate any help from you to find 
out what causes this error.
All installations do run on Windows 7 Pro x64.

Best regards,
   Thomas Deboben

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