I was doing some tests with backup, replication, standby. After promoting a
standby server, I found my db in a condition that raises me an error while
trying to update a particular tuple.
Below here you can se my UPDATE statment and the error raised.
The select * from stato where id=409; executed immediately after worked
well however.
I checked the file and it's readable.
Before my standby promotion test I performed millions of this UPDATE
statments without problem on my db.
I can not reproduce the issue.

Perhaps I did something wrong during my test but I don't know what. I
didn't touch any file in base directory however.
Anyway I'd like to know if in your opinion it's possible that this error
was caused by something wrong done by me or if it should never happen as
the file is perfectly readable.


psql (9.5.4)
Type "help" for help.

ginopino=# UPDATE stato SET
WHERE id=409;
ERROR:  could not read block 12281 in file "base/16384/29153": read only 0
of 8192 bytes
ginopino=# select * from stato where id=409;  <<< IT WORKS FINE

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