On Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 8:44 AM, Alessandro Baggi <
alessandro.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> $query = pg_query_params($dbcon, "SELECT count(*) from bs_ipsource where
> srcaddr = $1", array($ipsrc));
> if(!$query) { print error...}
> I don't understand why this query fails without error. I have searched
> error in httpd logs and postgresql log without success.
> from postgresql logs i get:
> LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT count(*) from bs_ipsource where srcaddr =
> $1
> DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = ''

​You might wish to explain how you've defined "fail" since there is no
actual error.

One common explanation is that the database psql is talking to, which has
the relevant data, is not the same database that PHP is talking to, and
which lacks matching data.

You might want to fire off one or more "host machine identification"​
queries in both just to confirm whether this is the case.

David J.

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