On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 5:38 PM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>

> Because the tables are known, many different functions can access the
>> same tables during a session to manipulate the result set. And, because
>> the tables are global the client can see the results easily based on the
>> then-current table configuration on the server.
> So what makes them temporary as they seem to persist between sessions?

​The way I read this is that the OP wants to be able to write functions
that target temporary tables.  These functions all assume that said tables
already exist so the functions themselves do not need to be concerned with
their management.  The OP would like to be able to define these tables as
persistent objects in the database catalogs but in practice they behave as
any other temporary table would.  In effect, upon session startup, these
tables would be created automatically by the backend without any client

This seems a bit wasteful in terms of all those session/connections that
don't care a whit about said temporary tables...so maybe I'm missing
something here in the implementation.

I don't see where "call a setup function immediately after connecting" is
that big a problem.  The client has to declare their intent to use said
features - and that declaration causes normal temporary tables to spring
into existence.  If the process functions are used without doing the first
step the user will get an error about relation not found.  I suspect there
may be search_path or language limitations to this approach but the
complaint as written doesn't give enough detail about why our temporary
tables are proving insufficient.

David J.

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