this issues could be  raised by a incorrect jdbc?   the jdbc used is
postrgresql-9.2-1002.jdbc4.jar and i have a postgresql 9.4

On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 9:35 AM, Edmundo Robles <> wrote:

> I have postgresql 9.4  and  wrote a function get_ignition_time() to get
> the first time when a  car was ignition on and  the  last time when
>  ignition is off,   those
> time stamps are  used in another function  get_fuel_consumption() to get
>  the  fuel consumption.
> The issue is  when:
> 1.   I run get_ignition_time()   directly in: psql, pgadmin  got the right
> values.
> 2.   I run  get_ignition_time()  inside iReport preview and  got the right
> values.
> 3. But, when i run  the report from web server got wrong values...first i
> thought on timezone issues, because i have had issues with timestamp
>  constraints at resotring database, but the timestamp  mismatch  the CST
> timezone, if you compare the time stamp  from  1 step  the  difference is
> not  6hr.
> the  get_igniton_time is called in a cursor  inside get_fuel_consumption
> but   when i fetch  it  the ini_time and end_time are wrong like   in 3rd
> step
> I was  rewrote the function many times,
>     i have used  window value first_value and last_value,
>     i have wrote  one  query  when igntion is on anohter whem igntion is
> off  then joined,
>     etc,
>    i have wrote  on different ways to get the same value like  step 1 and
> 2 but  3 is always wrong...
>    i have set the order, like mentionend on 'windowedagg ... mail'
>    but no success ....
> what  is  the safe way to use  windowed  function???
>  this  is the  last function i wrote:
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_ignition_time(in punits character varying,
> pfrom character varying,  pto character varying)
>   RETURNS TABLE(id_unit integer
>   , ini_time timestamp with time zone
>   , end_time timestamp with time zone) as
> $BODY$
>    vunits integer[]= string_to_array(punits, ',');
> RETURN QUERY with   foo as (
> select   st.id_trun, st.time_stamp
> , min(st.time_stamp)  filter (where ignition=true)  over w
> , max(st.time_stamp)  filter (where ignition=false)  over w
> from big_big_table st
> where  st.id_trun =  ANY(ARRAY[vunits])
> and st.time_stamp>=pfrom::timestamptz and st.time_stamp < pto::timestamptz
> window  w as (partition by  st.id_trun )
> order by st.id_trun,st.time_stamp
> )
> select distinct  f.id_trun,f.min,f.max from foo f where min is not null
>  and max is not null;
> END;
> $BODY$
>   COST 100
>   ROWS 1000;
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_fuel_cosumption_dt(IN truns character
> varying, IN dfrom character varying, IN dto character varying)
> id_trun integer,
> first_day smallint,
> last_day smallint,
> consumtpion_over_day bigint,
> recharge_over_day bigint
> ) AS
> $BODY$
>    rec record;
>    trip cursor for  select * from hydra.get_ignition_time(truns,
> dfrom,dto);
>   create temp table if not exists t_fuel_consumption_dt(
>    id_trun integer,
> first_day smallint,
> last_day smallint,
> cosumption_over_day bigint,
> recharge_over_day bigint
> ) on commit drop;
>    open  trip;
>     loop fetch trip into rec;
>     exit when not found;
>           raise log 'XXX::>> select r.*  from hydra.rep_calculo_gas(''%'',
> ''%'', ''%'') r;' , rec.id_trun::varchar,rec.ini_
> time::varchar,rec.end_time::varchar ;
>           insert into t_fuel_consumption_dt
>           select
>           r.*
>        from 
> hydra.get_consumption(rec.id_trun::varchar,rec.ini_time::varchar,rec.end_time::varchar)
> r;
>     end loop;
>    close trip;
>    return query select * from t_fuel_consumption_dt;
> END;
> $BODY$
>   COST 100
>   ROWS 1000;


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