Hello Günce


From: pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org 
[mailto:pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of Günce Kaya
Sent: Montag, 6. März 2017 13:01
To: Charles Clavadetscher <clavadetsc...@swisspug.org>
Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Fwd: parameter type is unknown error


Hi Charles,


Thank you for your response. I used pg_typeof() function to show parameters 


select pg_typeof('asdasdasd');


result -> "unknown"


Well, a string in single quotes is not necessarily a text:


db=> select pg_typeof('{"hello": "world"}');




(1 row)


db=> select pg_typeof('{"hello": "world"}'::varchar);



character varying

(1 row)


db=> select pg_typeof('{"hello": "world"}'::text);




(1 row)


db.archivedb=> select pg_typeof('{"hello": "world"}'::json);




(1 row)


You probably need to specify that your string is a text.




but I can use this parameter without custom function as successfully and using 
cast is doesn't work to get result as successful.


do you have any advice for that?






2017-03-06 14:51 GMT+03:00 Charles Clavadetscher <clavadetsc...@swisspug.org 
<mailto:clavadetsc...@swisspug.org> >:



From: pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org 
<mailto:pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org> ] On Behalf Of Günce Kaya
Sent: Montag, 6. März 2017 12:36
To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org <mailto:pgsql-general@postgresql.org> 
Subject: [GENERAL] Fwd: parameter type is unknown error


Hi all,


I created a dummy table and related function that include insert script. When I 
execute the function I'm getting error like bellow;


ERROR:  function cargo.insertinvoice(integer, integer, integer, unknown, 
unknown, unknown, integer, timestamp with time zone, integer, integer, money, 
timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone) 
does not exist

LINE 1: select * from cargo.insertinvoice(1013, 10, 44, 'asda','test...


HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to 
add explicit type casts.


Table's create script as bellow;


CREATE TABLE cargo.invoice


  id bigserial NOT NULL,

  orderid integer NOT NULL,

  cargoid integer NOT NULL,

  invoiceowner integer NOT NULL,

  invoiceaddress character(250) NOT NULL,

  receiverfname character varying(50) NOT NULL,

  receiverlname character varying(50) NOT NULL,

  receiverphone integer NOT NULL,

  sendingdatetime timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now(),

  distance real NOT NULL,

  weight numeric NOT NULL,

  addedtax numeric NOT NULL DEFAULT 8,

  invoiceamount money DEFAULT 0,

  cargocreateddate date,

  cargoupdateddate timestamp without time zone,

  cargocancelled timestamp without time zone);


The function that content insert script to cargo.invoice table is following;


create or replace function cargo.insertinvoice (forderid integer, fcargoid 
integer, finvoiceowner integer, finvoiceaddress character, freceiverfname 
character varying, freceiverlname character varying, freceiverphone integer, 
fsendingdatetime timestamp without time zone, fdistance real, fweight numeric,  
finvoiceamount money, fcargocreateddate date, fcargoupdateddate timestamp, 
fcargocancelled timestamp without time zone) returns numeric as $$


declare v_id bigint;




insert into cargo.invoice (orderid, cargoid, invoiceowner, invoiceaddress, 
receiverfname, receiverlname, receiverphone, sendingdatetime, distance, weight, 
addedtax, invoiceamount, cargocreateddate, cargoupdateddate, cargocancelled) 

values(forded, fcargoid, finvoiceowner, finvoiceaddress, 
freceiverfname,freceiverlname,freceiverphone, fsendingdatetime, fdistance, 
fweight, faddedtax, finvoiceamount, fcargocreateddate, fcargoupdateddate, 


select max(id) into v_id from cargo.invoice;


return v_id;




$$ language plpgsql;



So, when I execute the function like;


select * from cargo.insertinvoice(1013, 10, 44, 'asda','test1','test2', 12345, 
now(), 10000,30, 400, now(), now(), now());


I'm getting error as you can see in second paragraph even I use cast for three 
"unknown" parameter in insert script which is in function , I can not overcome 
with this issue so I still get same error.  If I use only following script to 
insert values to cargo.invoice table,


insert into cargo.invoice ( orderid, cargoid, invoiceowner, invoiceaddress, 
receiverfname, receiverlname, receiverphone, sendingdatetime, distance, weight, 
addedtax, invoiceamount, cargocreateddate, cargoupdateddate, cargocancelled) 

values( 1012, 10, 44, 'asdasdasd','xx', 'xxx', 12345, now(), 


I can insert data successfully. Do you have any idea about that? 


One or more parameter don’t have the expected data type. You should check them 
in order to find out which ones are giving trouble.

In the short you may try to cast your calls to now() to timezone without time 
stamp: now()::timestamp.


The function now() returns:


db=> select pg_typeof(now());



timestamp with time zone

(1 row)


And this is different from without time zone.


Hope this helps.




Any help would be appreciated.





Gunce Kaya



Gunce Kaya

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