I am trying to make postgres tables work like an object hierarchy. As an
example I have done this.

drop table if exists os.linux cascade;
create table os.linux
script_name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
script_body text,
CONSTRAINT os_linux_pkey PRIMARY KEY (script_name)

drop table if exists os.red_hat;

CREATE TABLE os.red_hat
CONSTRAINT os_red_hat_pkey PRIMARY KEY (script_name)
)INHERITS (os.linux);

drop table if exists os.debian;
CREATE TABLE os.debian
CONSTRAINT os_debian_pkey PRIMARY KEY (script_name)
)INHERITS (os.linux);

insert into os.linux(script_name, script_body) VALUES ('package', 'tgz' );
insert into os.linux(script_name, script_body) VALUES ('awk', 'awk' );
insert into os.debian(script_name, script_body) values( 'package', 'apt');
insert into os.red_hat(script_name, script_body) values( 'package', 'yum');

When I do  SELECT * from os.debian I would like to get two records one
where the package is 'apt' and one where the awk is 'awk'.

So the package row is overridden in the child but it inherits the parent

Is there a way to do this?

Ideally I would like to have a deeper hierarchy like nix -> linux -> debian
-> ubuntu -> ubuntu_16_04

so that when I select from ubuntu_16_04 I get all the rows from all the
parent tables but properly overridden so they don't union.


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