On Wed, 5 Apr 2017 12:05:39 -0500, John McKown
<john.archie.mck...@gmail.com> wrote:

> :
>I don't mind an "archive" web site which records all of the
>emails. And it it properly threads them, that is even better. I have that
>on a number of my lists. And you can even post through them. The post goes
>directly to the web site, which then "fakes up" an "email" which looks like
>it came in via the regular email channel and sends it back out via the
>normal email channel.? But there are some which don't do this "echoing".
> :

And then there are sites - e.g., Google - which maintain their own
internal threading of the discussion, but F_ up sending posts to the
list channel and breaking other's views of the discussion.


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