Awesome thread.


Just wanted you to be aware of the work we're doing at TimescaleDB (, a time-series database extension for PostgreSQL.

Some of how we might help you:
- automatic partitioning by space (primary key - like country_id, for
instance) and time. This creates "chunks" of your data, right-sized by
volume and time constraints (which makes inserts fast at much greater scale
than Vanilla PostgreSQL - not sure if this is a problem for you)
- this will also help if your queries are selective on time and country_id
(per this example)
- the partitioning by time allows you to DROP old chunks without the need
for vacuums

On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 8:30 AM, Vick Khera <> wrote:

> I'm curious why you have so many partial indexes. Are you trying to make
> custom indexes per query? It seems to me you might want to consider making
> the indexes general, and remove the redundant ones (that have the same
> prefix list of indexed fields).
> Secondly your table is 102Gb. Clearly there's a lot of data here. How many
> rows does that take? I would further suggest that you partition this table
> such that there are no more than about 10 million rows per partition (I've
> done this by using a id % 100 computation). Maybe in your case it makes
> sense to partition it based on the "what" field, because it appears you are
> trying to do that with your partial indexes already.
> On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 10:11 PM, Samuel Williams <
>> wrote:
>> Okay, so after changing longitude/latitude to float4, and
>> re-organizing the table a bit, I got the query down from about 8
>> minutes to 40 seconds.
>> The details are in the gist comments:
>> Now, just need to get performance another 2 orders of magnitude
>> better. Can we make the index a bit more coarse grained, perhaps
>> convert long/lat to integers or something, use a hilbert index, use a
>> postgis index... ideas?
>> --
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